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David Z. Moster


I am the founder and director of the Institute of Biblical Culture and the lead faculty for the Biblical Hebrew certificate program at the Jewish Theological Seminary. I run the YouTube channel @BiblicalCulture and wrote the Biblical Hebrew Grammar Card, the Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Card, and Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol. I received my PhD in Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and a B.A., M.A., M.S., and Rabbinical Degree from Yeshiva University, and an M.A. from New York University.

Biblical Hebrew Grammar Card

Appropriate for beginning and advanced students of Biblical Hebrew, this easy-to-use reference provides a concise summary of basic grammar concepts in an accessible format. Condensed into a six-page trifold format, the Biblical Hebrew Grammar Card neatly presents topics such as prefixes, nouns, adjectives, and suffixes, as well as numbers, weights, and measures. The verb charts are straightforward and comprehensive, with hundreds of examples organized according to stem, tense, and root.


Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Card

The Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Card provides learners with easy access to the words that appear on almost every page of the Hebrew Bible. This six-page trifold study guide translates 1,600 of the most common words in the Hebrew Bible, arranged alphabetically, with straightforward and precise definitions. Along with the Biblical Hebrew Grammar Card, this card will provide a reliable and easy-to-use reference for students of Biblical Hebrew.

YouTube - @BiblicalCulture

Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol

Every year before the holiday of Sukkot, Jews all around the world purchase an etrog—a lemon-like fruit—to participate in the holiday ritual. In this book, David Z. Moster tracks the etrog from its evolutionary home in Yunnan, China, to the lands of India, Iran, and finally Israel, where it became integral to the Jewish celebration of Sukkot during the Second Temple period. Moster explains what Sukkot was like before and after the arrival of the etrog, and why the etrog’s identification as the “choice tree fruit” of Leviticus 23:40 was by no means predetermined. He also demonstrates that once the fruit became associated with the holiday of Sukkot, it began to appear everywhere in Jewish art during the Roman and Byzantine periods, and eventually became a symbol for all the fruits of the land, and perhaps even the Jewish people as a whole.


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